Hello everyone. It's been a hard time lately with some flu coming arround and finally I'm back in shape with a new layout...
I love to start a project from the title and when I have it most of the times the realization is easy and poetic. This time I run into a Carolyn Gold Heilbrun’s quote: “Romance is the glamour which turns the dust of everyday life into a golden haze.” As my LO is dedicated to my son I decided to use the word LOVE instead of the word romance. And don’t you think is true: we can get a marvelous gold patine from special moments… or we can paint someones life with gold with our presence…. So, let’s use some gold from Tattered Angels

But let’s start from the beginning I had to create the dust first to respect the quote and i sprayed the left part of the Tattered Angels Mistable paper Brushed Cotton with Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist Tarnished Silver. It has the right sense of dust with the presence of the silver in it. With the Black Chalkboard mist I also make some spots here and there and added extra dimension with the Black High Impact Paint using a toothpick. I used cards and tags from the Gypsy Moments collection from 7Gypsies to draw a focal point.
You can see that I teared a heart out of the paper that transforms the dust to gold. Also the gold part is created with Tattered Angels Sunflower Glimmer Mist and the Antique Gold High impact Paint. I also used some gold flakes to give to the haze an extra shiny look. It’s very easy to apply them because the High Impact Paint in this case is used also as glue for the gold flakes.
Adding some additional items to the photo the layout takes life. There are some pieces from 7Gypsies (the photo corner and the apozhecary label) and others from Canvas Corp (metal hardware, wire and pins).
I hope you like it...See you next time!