sreda, 29. april 2009

First times

Dobila sem idejo, da bi lahko naredila knjigico, ki bi združila vse trenutke, ki predstavljajo za Kiana nekajm kar se mu je prvič zgodilo: prvi koraki, prva risanka, prvo striženje ( prve ostrižene laske sem shranila v notranjosti prozorne strani), .... Veliko jih je. Prav zato sem se tudi odločila, da bo imel a knjigica obliko številke ena - za PRVIČ. Mali album, ki hrani vse beležke o teh prelomnih trenutkih. Zadja stran je ostala prazna, tako da bom lahko vklučila nove prelomnice, ki čakajo na mojega malega Kiana.

I've got this idea about making a mini book that would include all that moments that represented for Kian a somekind of a first time: first steps, first cartoon, first heircut (I've put his first cut hair in the clear acrilic page),... They are a lot. I decided to give to this mini book number the shape of one - for every FIRST TIME. So I made this mini album that has all the journaling regarding that significant moments. I left teh final page blank so I can easily add some more pages for the next milestones that are waiting for my little Kian.

nedelja, 26. april 2009

Sensitive boy

Tale slikica je nastala na enem izmed naših izletov v naravo. Moram povedati, da kdaj, kadar se Kian ne strinja z nama, nama to pove jasno in glasno...z jokom. Spomnim se, da je tukaj začel jokati, ker ga Matej ni mogel več nositi in že je bilo dovolj... Najlepše pa je, ko otroku počasi le dopoveš zakaj mora biti tako ali tako in se spet zasmeje. Resnica pa jei, da je Kian prav priden fantek. Torej, smej se Kianček, smej!!!

This picture was taken on one of the our trips in the nature. I have to tell that sometimes Kian doesn't agree with us he shows it loudly ....with crying. I remember he started to cry in this occassion because Matej couldn't manage to carry him anymore and this was enough..... But the most beatiful thing is when after a slowly explanation he smiles again and the truth is that Kian is a very good boy. So smile Kian, smile!

sobota, 25. april 2009

Michelle's challenge....continuing

Tukaj je naslednji layout, ki je nastal na pobudo Michelle. Ta teden je bila tema "A Pocket Full Of Posies" . Vključiti je bilo treba rožice in žepek s poljubno vsebino. Moj vsebuje pesek, ki ga ima Kian takoooooo rad.

Here is a new layout for Michelle's challenge. This week challenge was "A Pocket Full Of Posies". The layout had to contain some posies and a pocket filled with some memorabilia or journaling. My pocket is filled with sand that Kian loves sooooo much.

Napisati moram tudi, da je naša družinica spet cela pod domačo streho in Matej mi je s potovanja prinesel lepo presenečenje.......
I have to put down that our family is finally together again after a week and Matej brought me a nice present from his bussiness trip.....

četrtek, 23. april 2009

Pogrešan / Missing

Moram priznati, da me je minuli teden kar malo zaneslo in zaradi Matejeve odsotnosti so se mi najine slike kar ponujale za ustvarjanje (ne se bati...nabralo se je že kar nekaj tudi tistih s Kianom :-) Sedaj pridejo na vrsto). To je bila super priložnost za osvežitev najinega poročnega albuma.
Misli so mi utekle nazaj v preteklost, na deževen avgustovski dan in na čudovite občutke. Sonce je posijalo le pol urice preden sem se po stopnicah spustila na naš vrt, kjer me čakal Matej in kjer sva si obljubila, da bova nadaljevala najino pustolovščino. Očiščen zrak je napolnil moja pljuča in vse kar sem videla so bile dve rjavi oči in veliko srce.

I have to admit that last week I felt the absence of Matej and that is the reason that our photos kept coming under my hands for making new layouts (don't worry...the pile of Kian's photos is getting bigger and bigger and I'll start using them again:-)). On the other hand this was a great accasion for refreshing our wedding album.
My thoughts went straight to that rainy august day and reminded me of wonderful feelings. The sun started to shine again just half an hour before I walked down the isle. In our garden we exchanged the vows. Fresh air filled my loungs and everything I saw were two intense brown eyes and a big heart.

ponedeljek, 20. april 2009

...miši plešejo! /...the mice will dance on the table!

Zadnjič, ko sem bila sama, sem naredila vzorček po mojih rdečih stenah in efekt mi je bil všeč, čeprav sem takoj pogrešala obrobo. Premišljujem, premišljujem..... Želela sem si nekaj nenavadnega in prišla do te ideje. Začne se tako:
Last time I was alone I made a new pattern to my red walls and I was quite sattisfied althoug I missed somekind of border. I was thinking and thinking.... I wanted something unusual and this idea came across my mind. We srtart in this way:

En pas bele, ki mora biti na eni strani omejena s krep lepilnim. Ko se posuši prelepimo krep lepilni čez belo (približno 1 cm).
A line of white (one part has to be protected with the tape). When it dries out we applicate the tape again this time cca 1 cm over the previous line.

Potem se začne packanje...
Than starts the coloring...

Meje barve zabrišemo s gobico..
We smooth the colors with a sponge..

Na koncu pobarvani predel popišemo z ogljem (ki bo šlo stran pri naslednjem pleskanju). To moramo storiti, preden odlepimo krep!!
In meni je končni rezultat je strgan papir - takšen kot sem si ga želela...Malo podoben mojim scrapbookom, kjer velikokrat trgam papirje... Komaj čakam, da pride domov Matej in vidi moje malo presenečenje!

Finally we write something on the colored area with the charcoal ( so we are sure it comes down when we'll like to change the colour of the room). We finish with removing the protecting tape.
I love the final look - just the way I wanted to be... It reminds me of my scrapbooks because I like very much all that teared paper... I can't wait to see Matej coming home for the surprise!

sobota, 18. april 2009

Ko mačke ni doma.... / When the cat is not home...

Matej je na službeni poti in vsakič, ko gre za teden dni od doma je zame čas za kakšne manjše spremembe. To je postala že tradicija. Vedno že prej načrtujem kakšen projekt, ki mi pomaga prebroditi odsotnost mojega predragega. Enkrat je bil čas, da je naša garderobna omara dobila novo oblekico:

Matej is on bussiness trip and everytime when he leaves for a week it's time for smaller changes. It's became already a tradition. I always plan in advance a project that will keep me occupied to get better thru the absence of my dear husband. Once our cabinet needed a dress:

Drugič se je moja roka spravila nad vhodna vrata:
Once I paited our door:
Se nadaljuje....
To be continued...

petek, 17. april 2009

True love

Leta minevajo in ni mi dolgčas, ničesar ne pogrešam, vse je spontano.... Uživam v vsem, kar počasi skupaj gradiva. Ta teden te bom pogrešala!

Time goes on and I'm not bored, I don't miss anything, everything is spontaneous.... I enjoy in everythig we are slowly building together. I'll miss you this week!

sreda, 15. april 2009

Darilo / Gift

Ko sem prvič zagledala Kiana sem začutila, da s seboj prinaša sporočilo zame. Bilo je zapisano v šifrah, ki sem jih mogla razvozlati. Brez Kiana ne bi bila nikoli popolna oseba. Nekateri predali bi ostali zaprti. Mislila bi, da sem boljša kot sem. Mislila bi, da sem slabša kot sem. Pa jih je malo bitjece odprlo in mi podarilo največje darilo: doživljenjsko samospoznavanje. Resnica je, da nobenemu drugemu ne bi upelo izkoreniniti moje trme, mi pokazati, da je biti zmotljiv priložnost in nobenemu ne bi uspelo, da bi se spopadla z najtemnejšimi deli same sebe in nobenemu ne bi uspelo , da bi odvrgla moje strahove, da bi uvidla popoln krogotok vsega. Njemu je...

When I saw Kian for the very first time I immidiatly felt that he's bringing a message for me. It was written in codes so I had to find out their meaning. I wouldn't be a complete person without having Kian. Some of the drawers would have remain closed thinking that I was a better person, thinking that I was a worse person. But this little creature made the difference and opened them giving me the most important gift: lifelong selfdiscovering. The truth is that no one else would be able to get rid of my stubburnness and showing me that mistakes are occasions and he permited me to look into the darkest side of me. No one else would sucssede in taking away many of my fears for a better understanding of the circle of life. He did it...

nedelja, 12. april 2009

Velika noč / Easter

Prazniki so tukaj in z njimi prihaja veselje in prijetne zadolžitve... Seveda se je začelo z barvanjem jajčk!

Holidays are here and they bring a lot of happiness and nice tasks...Of course we started with the egg coloring!

Večer pred veliko nočjo, ko grejo otroci spat, je čas za peko. Diši po limeti...

The night before Easter after the kids are gone to sleep it's baking time. It smells like lime...

Iz pečice skočijo mali zajčki iz kruha, za njimi pa še limetin kolač z vaniljevo kremo.

Litlle bread bunnies jumped out of the oven followed by a lime cake with vanilla filling.

Na velikonočno jutro naš vrt obišče velikonočni zajček, ki v travi pusti čokoladne sledi... Čas je za lov na jajčka!!!

On easter morning it's time for egg hunt!!!

Lov je bil uspešen in tu so trofeje!

The hunt was succsessfull and here is the price!

Najlepše je, ko smo skupaj...
The best moments are when we are together...

Praznovanje se nadaljuje s pomladnim snegom.
The celebration continues with the spring snow.

Vesele velikonočne praznike vsem!!!!
Happy Easter to everybody!!!