I'm back. We arrived home after great holidays on the island of Pag. It was nice to set us on off and seeing a lot of new things and teaching Kian new things. Of course Kian was in the sea swimmingall day long and it was hard keeping him outside although he was tired and already freezing!!
This is my favorite view.....

We got a nice gift from nature....

Having fun in a simple way....

Exploring the sea.....

Having nice evenings in the sunset....
Of course I'm going to make an album to remember this beatiful moments.
I wanted to share also a LO that was done allready before the departure!
super reportaža, vidim, da ste uživali. narejen layout pa ponnovno fascinanten :) pohvale!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLepo, da ste uživali. Se pa tudi jaz spomnim Paga po zelo zelo mrzli vodi... :(
OdgovoriIzbrišiNastaja pa čudovit album!
Se vidi, da ste se imeli fino. O tem, da si si napolnila baterije pa tudi ne dvomim. Tvoji izdelki me vedno znova navdušujejo in tokrat ni nič drugače.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPozdravljena nazaj in se že veselim tvojih novih stvaritev, ki so vsakič znova tako čudovite.
OdgovoriIzbrišilove the this lo... love the swirls... and of course how can you resist those adorable faces... of Kian and the balloon!!! Too too sweet!!! It's just so beautiful... I LOVE IT!!!
OdgovoriIzbriši{{hugs}} Michelle