četrtek, 20. avgust 2009

Very loud....but sometimes shy!

I have to tell you that Kian is always very loud. He screams when he plays, when he runs, when he is in bed... In fact, when he was still a little baby the first minutes after breastfeeding he felt asleep he was always doing "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" for a couple of minutes until he reached the phase of deep sleeping. It was so funny. SO, still now he is a loud toddler but still sometimes just a shy mommy's boy!

2 komentarja:

  1. Spet eden od enkratnih listov........

    Priznam.....sem ti kar malo nevoščljiva, ko s takšno lahkoto obvladuješ materiale in toliko različnih dodatkov. To je za mene osebno resnično prava umetnost. Toliko vsega, vseh teh drobnarij, na katere navadni smrtniki niti n epomislimo, kaj šele lotimo.

    Ponosna sem, da sem ena tistih, ki z veseljem spremlja tvoj blog in vse te tvoje stvaritve, ki so resnično enkratne, neponovljive.


  2. this is sooooooooo cute... and so much like my little Rainee... I love this lo!

    {{HUGS}} Michelle
