sreda, 4. november 2009


This LO is dedicated to Kian's eyes. His eyes were like two chocolate candies from the first moment I saw him and I like his intense look.

This time I made a frame with the stamps that Michelle send me as a surprise gift (thanks again Michelle!!!!) and I have to say that I really like the way it turned out. Of course there's always present a game of distress colors. In addition I stamped some butterflies and cut them to make a 3D effect. I also sprayed the paper with some light blue color.

9 komentarjev:

  1. Čudovita postavitev. Mi je všeč, da si isto fotografijo uporabila dvakrat, z različnim izrezom. Čisto po tvoje je stran polna drobnih noro lepih dodatkov.
    Super stran, res :)

  2. Zelo mi je lepo, kako si različne štampiljke uporabila za izdelavo obrobe. Pa stran je v celoti zelo lepo izpadla.

  3. Super izgleda tole!Tako lep list in tako lepi dodatki!

  4. :)) metuljčki ... jaz se vedno nasmejim ob pogledu nanje :))

  5. Another fantastic layout. I always feel like I could look at your layouts a few times and always find something I didn't see before.

  6. im so stunned with your creations!!! they are all lovely!!! you create vintage layouts so well and are full of techniques!!! Gorgeous!!!
    see yah around!!!

  7. Spet ena noro dobrih umetnin izpod tvojih prstov. Vsakič znova se čudim in občudujem množico vseh teh drobnih dodatkov, ki jih znaš tako zelo lepo združit v celoto.

  8. This is just sooooooooooooo beautiful... love the title... love the photos... love everything about this lo... you're amazing!!! So happy you're enjoying the stamps!!!

    I also wanted you to know I mentioned you on my blog... for an award... because YOU'RE OVER THE TOP...
    {{hugs}} Michelle
