Two day sago I discovered that I was chosen to get the monthly RAK on the Color room and YUPIIII, I'm still super excited and ful of ctreative energy. In this occasion I want to show the project I had in my mind for my scrapbook class on the 12 th of June in Ljubljana (for joining please e -mail at ). I love this project because from the outside it seems just a regular book but it really carries a treasure inside!!! The title is "My family....My treasure". This work is done in the color palette of the Color room for this week: two different greens and violet. Also this project requred some extra time because is actually made from a real book but the final result is what I wanted. So...if you want to realize this wonderful project join me on the 12th of June when dreams will be created!!! What you need to do is just to bring an old book because I'll prepare everything else for you to make this deliscious treasure!
ponedeljek, 31. maj 2010
sobota, 29. maj 2010
Home is where your heart is
I repainted my living room and did quite a change in the decorations. While working on this change I bought at IKEA this frame and initially I wanted to put into it just a photo of the family but then I decided to make it a little more intresting. I udes several Tim Holtz elements and also used the Alterations. I cut out several wings and instead putting just one I formed two big wings with the small one and I think they look like real. The swirls are silver and gold but here in the photos is not very visible. Anyway, I have a new scrapbook frame in the centre of my living room and it fits perfectly!
sreda, 26. maj 2010
Urška's birthday
Today is Urška's birthday. She is a very talented artist in many ways. Lately she is known as an amazing jewelry designer and I have to say that her creations sre amazing. I hope she'll soon make a blog because you have to see this pieces of art. For her birthday I wanted something special and I decided to do some painting. This is a portrait of her and her sweet son. I know she is having a great party and I'd love to be with her but unfortunatly she lives far away and so there the occasions to see each other are rare but on the other hand very prescious and cherished!!
So....Happy birthday my dear friend and have a wonderful life!
So....Happy birthday my dear friend and have a wonderful life!
torek, 25. maj 2010
I'm a member of the TAAFOMFT DT!!!!!!!!!
Julie at the These are a few of my favorite things asked me to be part of their DT And I'm happy to announce that from the 15th of June I'll take part to this great journey in a company of a extremely tallented girls. I'm sooooooo excited! Yuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
This was the perfect occasion to make myself :-) a tag.... Favorite things!!!
I wanted also to celebrate my entry with a little RAK for each of the girls that form this wonderful world and I what I did is a tag with the These are my favorite song in the background (the soundtrack of the page). Each tag is the same as others except for the photo and the name of the artist because I love the idea that no matter where they live they will be connected somehow by having the same tag . So girls, if you are reading this be patient if the tag hasn't reached you yet and I hope you'll like it!!
So, whenever you have time pop in the TAAFOMFT world...... There is always something special going on!!!!! And remember there are always deliscious prizes for the winners! So... pop on over... and share your favorite things!
This was the perfect occasion to make myself :-) a tag.... Favorite things!!!
I wanted also to celebrate my entry with a little RAK for each of the girls that form this wonderful world and I what I did is a tag with the These are my favorite song in the background (the soundtrack of the page). Each tag is the same as others except for the photo and the name of the artist because I love the idea that no matter where they live they will be connected somehow by having the same tag . So girls, if you are reading this be patient if the tag hasn't reached you yet and I hope you'll like it!!
So, whenever you have time pop in the TAAFOMFT world...... There is always something special going on!!!!! And remember there are always deliscious prizes for the winners! So... pop on over... and share your favorite things!
petek, 21. maj 2010
Ustvarjalni delavnici, 5. in 12. junij
Soboti 5. in 12. junij
sta ponovno rezervirani za
ustvarjalni delavnici!
sta ponovno rezervirani za
ustvarjalni delavnici!
Zadnjič smo se imele prekrasno in vesela sem, da bomo lahko zopet posvetile nekaj časa našim umetniškim izzivom. V društvu Taka Tuka (hvala Petra) se bomo spet zbrale v popolnoma ustvarjalnem vzdušju in pričarale nekaj za oči in za dušo!
Namenjeno: Delavnici sta namenjeni prav vsem, z ali brez izkušenj, ki imate radi papir, štempiljke, dodatke, nove izzive, dobro družbo,...
Potek: Delavnici sta sestavljeni iz kratkega uvoda in nato komponiranja v celoto. Predstavljeni bodo načini postavitve in razne ideje, nato pa bomo skupaj ustvarjali, a vsak na svoj način. Poudarek bo na dveh projektih, na izdelavi scrapbook strani z vašo fotografijo ter obdelavi knjige.
1. Delavnica: "My Vintage Layout"
Kdaj: sobota, 5.6. od 17:00 - 20:00
Kje: Društvo TakaTuka Kotizacija: 35€
Ves material dobite pri nas, s seboj prinestite le FOTOGRAFIJO, ki jo boste vkomponirali v LO ter škarje za papir.
2. delavnica: Knjiga "Moj zaklad", ki bo v sebi skrivala pravo presenečenje

Kdaj: sobota, 12.6. od 17:00 - 20:00
Kje: Društvo TakaTuka, Vodnikova
Kotizacija: 35€ Ves material dobite pri nas, s seboj prinestite staro knjigo, priljubljeno fotografijo in olfa nož
Plačilo: Posamezna delavnica znaša 35€. V kolikor se udeležite obeh delavnic, znaša kotizacija 60€. Kotizacijo se poravna na delavnici. Prijave se sprejema preko email do zasedenosti mest. Pohitite s prijavo, saj je število mest omejeno!!
torek, 18. maj 2010
Curious boy
I love the color combination of the palette #6 of the Color room. In this LO I used the Tattered angels glimmer screens and just some regular black acrylic paint for the stamping of the decorative corners and I love the uneven effect. In this case I also did some Tim Holtz masking but I used the negative mask.

I'd like to present you a newborn idea: a cardboard flower with the Zutter wires that I think is perfect for the boy LOs.
torek, 11. maj 2010
The monthly challenge on These are a few of my favorite things (in fact you have to pop over because there is going on something scrappy-deliscious!!!) was my favorite music and I decided to make a mini for my husband. He is a drummer and I was thinking this mini would be a perfect place for his music career memories.
For the cover I made a big paper flower and glitter alphas...

For the cover I made a big paper flower and glitter alphas...

I had a bag of the Hard Rock Cafe and I used it for the background of the pocket. On the edge of the pocket I glued an old belt and I think it gives a true rock atmosphere...
sreda, 5. maj 2010
LuShae Jewelry
Yesterday I receved a pair of earings that were gently offered by the LuShae Jewelry and just want to thank for this gift. This pair of Eternity Hoops are just so eyecathing and they have a great shine and I really like them. In their store you can find many intresting things. Click on the link to enjoy the their beauty.
ponedeljek, 3. maj 2010
The look
It's time for the next palette in the Color room and this time they are warm and cozy. I decided to use this Kian's photo where he looks just like a grown up and has a wonderful and charming look. It's true that everytime I tell him to stay still for a photo he begins to make silly faces but this time I was lucky and captured an original scrap :-)

Some close ups:
sobota, 1. maj 2010
"No place like home" globe tutorial
I receved many e-mails on how to make the Globe "No place like home" so I decided to make a post about it. So, here we go:
First of all you need to blow two small ballons to obtain two bases for your globe. Place them in two little bowls that will hold them i place.
The next thing is to cover them a half with some tissue paper or some other
paper combined with mod podge or a mixture of water and flour which makes a perfect glue. Let them dry well for a day and than pop the baloons and carefully cut the two halfs of the sphere on the edges in a way that they mach perfectly.
TIP: It's better to cover the baloons a little more than a half so you can figure out how you have to cut to get two perfect halfs.

Take each wire and fix it with the staples to get 8 equal parts. Don't be afraid about the staples showing because you'll cover them with some ribbon or lace.
Cut some stripes of patterned paper and glue it on the inside of the half sphere - blue for the sky and green for the grass. Start in the centre and than proceed by kepping always the midle of each stripe in the centre but moving the rest of it to cover the entire half sphere with a fan looking base.

TIP: put some sand in the baloons that will prevent them from overturning.
The next thing is to cover them a half with some tissue paper or some other

TIP: It's better to cover the baloons a little more than a half so you can figure out how you have to cut to get two perfect halfs.
I covered the outside part with the "Paper perfect" (Decoart) with the spatula to make the outside surface look like real paper
The next thing is the painting. I painted an antique map on it but
you can choose a different way to adorn your globe. Than you have to do the same wire work on the outside like you did on the inside. You take 4 pieces of wire, join in the middle and place it on the top of the sphere.

Take each wire and fix it with the staples to get 8 equal parts. Don't be afraid about the staples showing because you'll cover them with some ribbon or lace.

Cut the stripes at the edge of the half sphere and again fix them with the staples.
Than you have to join the two half spheres together and decorate the globe in a way you want. I made just a tiny paper house but there are many ways to use this globe and things you can put inside. Let me know what theme you decided to use for this project!
By the way: happy national scrapbooking day to everyone and a special thank you goes also to the TAFOMFT that selected this project for the monhly challenge! Thank you girls - I really enjoy your company!
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