četrtek, 1. julij 2010

Favorite shop

It's time for your favorite shop on These are my favorite things. Do you have your favorite shope and what does it sell?
Well, my favorite shop is my garden. Years back I didn't like gardening and I always said that I'l never have one but after having a child many things changes and I started to see the miracle that is hapening and the healthy products mother nature offers in her shop. Now, I enjoy going in tha garden and picking some vegetables before I start preparing lunch and several times during the day I go there with Kian just ti poic a carrot out of the soil, some strawberries and other fruits that were growing just a few seconds before you picked them and this is what I call enjoying the fresh fruit and vegetables.

You have to tell us what is your favorite shop!!! As always there is a fabulous prize waiting for the winner and a great athmosphere for everyone!!! Come on, just scrap it!

5 komentarjev:

  1. Ja, spreminjajo se naša razmišljanja. Tudi če bi meni nekdo še ne daleč nazaj rekel, da bom imela cvetoči balkon z mini skalnjaki in mini zeliščnim vrtičkom, bi se mu smejala. Veselje je gledati kako raste nekaj, kar sam posadiš, sploh če na njem rodijo slastni sadeži. Krasen LO kot zmeraj.

  2. Res je čudovito tako brkljati po zemlji. Prava meditacija (kot ustvarjanje). Pa opazovati kako kaj raste in potem ni lepšega kot jesti sadeže kar z drevesa, grma ali vrta.
    Spomnim se počitnic pri babici, ko nama je s sestro z vrta izpulila sočne korenčke, malo splahnila in sva jih potem, kot 2 zajčka, grickali. Pa mlade sladke grahke ;)

    Čudovito trgovinico imaš in ta čar si tako lepo ujela v LO. Še suhe rožice in lopata ;) Res super detaili.

  3. This is sooooooooooooooooooo GORGEOUS Jana!! WOW WOW WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! My jaw hit the floor when I saw this the first time!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that photo and love love love love love the little picket fence and the shovel! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Čudovit LO, ograjica, lopata, vse dodelano v nulo :-)) sem strastna vrtnarka, tako zelenjavnega kot cvetličnega vrta in nakup na vrtu je najboljši :-))

  5. love love love this... I love those photos... and you captured the feeling so beautifully... it's a fav of mine... have a lovely day!!!
    {{hugs}} Michelle
