ponedeljek, 28. januar 2013

Workshop in Slovenska Bistrica / Delavnica v Slovenski Bistrici

Pozdravljeni! Sporočam vam, da bom 16. FEBRUARJA imela delavnico v Slovenski Bistrici pri Mariboru. Vsi, ki bi radi ustvarili pomladno kreacijo, se lahko prijavite na moj ustvarjalni tečaj.

Oprema: s seboj prinesite lepilo (pištolo z vročim lepilom, škarje, tanek alkoholni flomaster (črn)
Za vse ostalo je poskrbljeno. Ustvarile bomo prekrasno spomladansko kreacijo - hišno dekoracijo, polno nežnih elementov. Na delavnici bomo spoznali nove možnosti kombiniranja materialov, stopnjevanje barvnih odtenkov (color theory) ter skladno kompozicijo vseh elementov.
Kotizacija: delavnica znaša 25€
Prijave se sprejemajo na mail vladka.serbinek@gmail.com do zasedenosti mest.
Pridružite se nam!

petek, 25. januar 2013

Love was made for me and you

Hello everyone! How are you? Are you still searching for an idea for the valentine's day? Well, I feel still very inspired and this time I got a big help from the Sizzix  die cuts. They are so great and their design really helps to make beatiful projects.
Here is my paper heart. I'm planing to do many of them and in different but similar shades to decorate my house in the begining of February.
For making this heart I used the  Sizzix Movers & Shapers Magnetic Die Set 2PK - Mini Tattered Florals Set. It is a very versatile die cut and the ways you can use this one are practicaly endless. I decided to use them in a gradient style using some helper - the Glimmer Mists: Tokyo, Walnut Gold and the Ivory Chalckboard mist. Every flower har a prescious pearl inside. Than I also needed the Sizzix Sizzlits Decorative Strip Alphabet Die for the "LOVE" word. I have painted the word in the darker shades of the flowers to get the attention on this part of the project. This area is also completed with the Sizzix Embosslits XL Die to make the center of the ribbon more rich. I transformed this frame die cut into a glittery crown.

Now you can make a heart that will be made just for you and your loved one!



sobota, 5. januar 2013

Steampunk heart

 At Tattered laboratory we are continuing with making some Valentine’s projects and most of them are made out of lace and fabric to get ito the romantic mood. But we know that some of you need also a different project in case you don’t like the sweetmess of lace. I decided to create a Steampunk heart. Also in RL this project seem really made out of steal thanks to the Glimmer Glazes!!!! This paints are amazing and perfectly support the trick.


And now let me reveal the trick: The base is just a cardboard heart like in my Ruffled heart project . To cover the look of the cardboard I smoothed the heart with adding on some  modeling clay.

After that I rolled a big piece of modeling clay, covered the heart and cut away the excess.

Than I dried the heart and shaped it into a steal covered object. The most amazing part was painting it. I used these Glazes: Nori, Champagne, Icicle, Pewter andJava. In some surfaces I combined two colors in other I used just one Glimmer glaze.

So, here you have a different idea and I hope it will have sweet consequences anyway :-)

sreda, 2. januar 2013

Ruffled Valentine's heart

At Tattered Angels we don’t relax after the new year but we are already prepared and looking forward because in a blik of an eye the valentine’s day will be here. We decided to start inspiring you with some fabric and some lace. My version is this Ruffled Valentines heart. It almost looks like a cake and it is easy to make.

If you feel inspired and you want to surprise someone with this Ruffled heart just go on my Tattered Angels post wher everything is explained.

Finally I wish you a year full of creativity and joy!