sreda, 2. januar 2013

Ruffled Valentine's heart

At Tattered Angels we don’t relax after the new year but we are already prepared and looking forward because in a blik of an eye the valentine’s day will be here. We decided to start inspiring you with some fabric and some lace. My version is this Ruffled Valentines heart. It almost looks like a cake and it is easy to make.

If you feel inspired and you want to surprise someone with this Ruffled heart just go on my Tattered Angels post wher everything is explained.

Finally I wish you a year full of creativity and joy!

4 komentarji:

  1. Wowwwwwwwwwwww! This is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING Jana!! WOW!!!

  2. Jana!

    Najlepša hvala za tvojo voščilnico! Vse do prihodnjega leta bo krasila naše ogledalo! Ker sem v "papirni" obliki zaspala, ti voščim kar takole: tebiin tvoji družini želim veliko sončnih dni in le toliko oblakov, kot želite sami!

  3. ooo, krasno srce. Hvala za lepe želje in tudi tebi želim eno krasno kreativno in lepo leto.
