Yesterday , after the afternoon nap, Kian was sooooooo grumpy and he was lying on the couch and sobing for no reason and in the end, after I tried to cheer him up with no succsess, I just gave up.
So I said: "I don't understand you Kian! You had a great nap in a cosy and warm bed, you are sourrounded with Christmas decorations, you had a wonderful lunch and a dessert, you have a lot of toys, ... So, why are you said because I think nothing can be better than all this, don't you think???? "
And Kian answered: "Yes it is something better than all this. "
And here I have to admit that I started to get really nervous because I thought I was speaking just with a spoiled boy that wanted more and more.
I asked (loudly :-)): "Ok, so now you tell me what is better than all this "(waiting for his answer and be prepared to give him a lesson)
And than he said: "That we love each other!"
Once again I was surprised by my little boy and I was the one that receved a lesson :-)!
I love what comes out of the mouths of babes.... Kian... you are just too too sweet!!!
OdgovoriIzbriši{{hugs}} Michelle
Ja otroci včasih res presenetijo.čeprav jih imamo za "majhne", so v resnici že prav "veliki":):)
OdgovoriIzbrišiBom malo pokomnetirala za nazaj pa za sedaj :-) Imaš krasnega moža, ki ti je prinesel same dobrote in še bolj krasnega sina. To so dejstva :-) In dejstvo je tudi, da enostavno si morala zmagati s svojim albumom, ker je res tako krasen, da sem ga pogledala znova in znova, da sem lahko vse dojela, sprejela. Škoda, da ne tudi prijela :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiUau, nam zaprejo usta, a ne!! Ampak, kot sem ti že enkrat napisala-brez krasne mame in krasnega očeta, ki mu dajeta vso svojo ljubezen, tudi Kian ne bi bil tako krasen! Way to go, girl!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes so polni presenečenj in ko že mislimo, da vse vemo, nam hitro spodnesejo tla pod nogami. Res so največji dar.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOhhhh Lovely story! You have a sweet son!
Merry Christmas to You and to all Your readers, whole-heartedly!