četrtek, 24. december 2009

Merry Christmas!

I just wanted to wish to everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! I hope you'll have a wonderful time sourrouded with family, love, gifts, good food and something more that makes your life special.
My gifts (sorry, Santa's) were perfectly wrappeed yesterday and they have a special name tag made out of the salt dought and colored with the distress ink. Now they are waiting for Santa to be delivered. And don't forget to put some cookies and milk and some carrots near the tree!!!

Merry Christmas to all of you!!!!!!!!!!

3 komentarji:

  1. Vesel božič tudi tebi in tvoji družini.

  2. Prekrasni paketki in te figurice iz testa. Hvala in Vesel Božič tudi vam.

  3. Jana, hvala za vse tvoje spodbudne in globoke misli. Večkrat jih preberem in vedno globje sežejo. Malo pozno vam želim lepe praznike.
    Kompleti pa v stilu kot vse pri tebi.
