sobota, 16. januar 2010

Blogoversary candy winner

I'm doing this quick post for everyone that entered in my blog candy. First of all I have to say that yesterday was a really bad day. In the morning I receved a call from kindy that Kian fell on a chair with the forehead. I run to my boy and after a whole morning in the hospital we finally arrived home but with 6 stitches on his forehead!!!!! It was a nightmare but I'm so happy nothing worse than that happened. I was really scaried and just praying all the time for my little mouse! I was happy once at home and seeing him watching cartoons and playing with his fav toys. I hope things like that will never happen again and that the 2010 will be a good year anyway!

Now it is time to say thank you to everyone who entered in this blog candy and I have to say that I enjoyed reading every single word of your messages. I truely feel your energy and appriciate your presence here!!!

And the winner is.........

True Random Number Generator
Min: 1
Max: 70
Result: 28
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

.......Number 28
Congrats and please send me your address so I can send you the calendar!

Thanks again to everyone and have a great weekend!

6 komentarjev:

  1. Whaaa that's great !!! It's my birthday!!! :))))) Thanks Jana ;) I'll send an email.

  2. Forget to to say, hope that Kians forehead doen't hurt to much??

  3. Si lahko mislim kaj si prestajala. Upam, da se Kian sedaj boljše počuti in da bo rana hitro zacelila.
    Čestitke srečni izžrebanki. Lepše ne bi moglo biti, ko ima še danes rojstni dan ;)

  4. Uh, ta nesreča, ki nikoli ne počiva. Upam, da bo s Kianom kmalu bolje. In da ne bo ostala brazgotinica.
    Čestitke tudi izžrebanki. Sem kar malo fouš za tako lep koledar :)

  5. Tudi jaz čestitam izžrebanki za ta čudovit koledar in hitro okrevanje Kianu.
