The second one is about taking the hot chocolate after being out on the snow. Here snow is very rare and that morning, when we saw that everything outside was covered with snow we immidiatlly dress ourselves and went out and althought it was 7 and a half in the morning I took out my cd player and put on some loud christmas music. There's nothing better than being on the snow with some good music. There will be some others LO's about that day but for now: HOT CHOCOLATE REFRESHEMENT:
I have to say a big thank you to my friend Urška from Celje. She surprised me with a treasure box that she made. Thank you so much my dear...I will take care of this treasure and of our frienship as well.
There is another person that made me smile in this days: Michelle. She sent me some stamps that were just right for my hot chocolate LO and a horse toy for Kian. He is crazy about it!
In the photo you can also see the card Michelle made and when Ii got the package I immidiatly remembered watching it becoming alive on a youtube video:
Thank you so much girls! You are the best friends!
Vedno, ko odprem tvoj blog, kliknem na fotko, da jo povečam in podrobno pregledam vse, kar si uporabila. Noro, koliko dodatkov. In nič ni kar tako gor dano :) Vse ima nek smisel, pomen.
Ja, ima Helena prav. Mimo tvojih fotografij človek ne more kar tako mimobežno, si jih je potrbeno podrobno ogledat in potem je v mislih oh, poglej to, pa ta ideja je tudi full dobra, o še tu ta detajl... Res imaš smisel za to, vsa čast.
OdgovoriIzbrišiobvladaš. spet je vse tok lepo. prov pocrkljam se, ko pridem na tvoj blog :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiin vse lepo v novem letu.
Res je tvoje postavitve so fantastične, z vsemi dodatki in norimi idejami. Mene pa najbolj pritegnejo barve in kombinacije barv-fantastično!!!!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiToliko miceni detailov, ki si jih je vredno ogledati. Krasne scrape delaš.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrazniki pri vas so bili pa zelo doživeti :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSe takoj podpišem pod Helenin komentar! Tvoji LO-i so inspiracija za mnoge kreacije! In darilc ne bi mogla bolj zaslužiti!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPri meni te čaka nagradica:)
OdgovoriIzbrišikrasno! zares je užitek pogledati na tvoj blog
OdgovoriIzbriši- iris
Tudi jaz se bom kar pod Heleno podpisala.
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes rada prihajam na tvoj blog.
love love love this hot chocolate lo... I'm behind on my commenting... trying to catch up... forgive me.
OdgovoriIzbriši{{Hugs}} Michelle