petek, 22. april 2011

Invited designer for Scrap Boutique

I'm very happy to announce that I'm the Invited designer for Scrap boutique!

Scrap Boutique is an amazing place where you can find new ideas, master classes, talented girls and much more.

For this occassion I created a Ladybug gift container for newborns. At the same time this project is also a card because there's some available place on the bottom of the ladybug for a message.

The ladybug was created for Giorgio and the inside gift was a little hand knitted baby hat that my mom made. I think handmade gifts are just the best for babies.

It was so nice to create something new and if you like it just visit Scrap Boutique where you'll find my tutorial for the realization.

Have a great day and seach for new, intresting ideas!

11 komentarjev:

  1. aaaaaaa, krasna je in hvala za potek izdelave. Punce res delajo odlične stvari in vsekakor bom večkrat h kateri pokukala. Pa seveda čestitke za povabilo, brez dvoma zasluženo pri vseh tvojih noro dobrih izdelkih.

  2. Čudovita ideja pikepoke, ki že sama po sebi prinaša srečo. Če je pa še takole lepo izdelana in okrašena, pa res pritiče malemu princu.
    Res je sanjska škatlica za darilce.

  3. Congratulations and another beautiful piece you have created there. xox Corrine

  4. CONGRATS Jana!! That IS AWESOME!! WOW WOW WOW WOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!! And I loveeeeeeeeeeeee what you created! IT is JUST AMAZING!! You are sooooooooo talented! You inspire me! Happy Easter! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Spet brez besed, spet tiho občudujem!! Zaslužiš si, da si povabljena kot dizajnerka, saj tebi res ni para!!!!

  6. So gorgeous Jana.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  7. what a lovely idea of a baby gift! TFS!
    Have a nice (Easter) weekend!

  8. Čestitke za povabilo!
    Tale pikapoka je fantastična, še toliko bolj ker ni običajnih barv :-))

  9. Nič čudnega, da so te povabili. Mojstrica, kot si, si zaslužiš.
    Tale modra pikapoka je zopet nekaj prečudovitega. Vidim, da ti idej in dodatkov ne zmanjka :)
    Lep dan!

  10. What a great baby gift, it's an Art piece!
    Have a nice week!

  11. soooooooo beautiful!!! {{hugs}} Michelle
