ponedeljek, 9. januar 2012

Birthday Tag

What do you think about making a Birthday tag instead of a classic birthday card? I love it and instead of having a card in an envelope you can adorn the gift with a tag and there is a lot of space at the back to write a happy birthday wish.

Just this quick post for now. I'll be back soon. Have a nice day!

5 komentarjev:

  1. This is BEAUTIFUL Jana!! I loveeeeeeeeeee the colors, the flowers and that key is FAB!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Jaz sem vsekakor za to, da takšen tag zamenja čestitko. Zelo lep in bogat je.

  3. Takšen tag, lahko kadarkoli zamenja mojo čestitko za rojstni dan. Perfekten je!

  4. Krasen tag in vidim, da si se spet lotila LOja ;)
    Super kot vedno.
