Today is a special day because I posted my first post for Tattered Angels!!!! It's a special occassion and it's time to share with you what were my ideas for the Tattered Angels DT. I wanted my projects to represent me and the accent was to find the extraordinary in the ordinary things. I just love to search the potencial of things thhat were mean to be forgotten.
Here is my first project: It is an altered globe. I covered the entire globe with glue and bandages and sprayed it with a huge ammount of white Chalkboard (Chalk) and let it dry. I’ve cut out the continents and than misted the world mask with the Glimmer Mist (Sand, Crushed shells). I completed the globe with a wire that goes arround the globe which I’ve paited with Glimmer Glam (Chandelier). The globe is adorned with Tattered angels Glimmer Chips.

The second project is Tattered angels jewelery – a ring made out of resin with Glimmer mist inclusions (
Tiger Lily,
Fully purple ) . A home project that really seems a gem.

The third project is an Altered Glimmer Mist bottle. This is one of my favorite project. It’s an empty bottle of glimmer mist transformed into a fasion mannequin. For this projects I used Chalkboard (
Apricot Nectar) and Glimmer glam (
Hayride) for covering the body, Glimmer mist (
Deep Plum) for the skirt and Glimmer Chips for the wings. I’ve also cut out the Tattered angels logo and glued it on the mannequin. I think it’s a must have for every glimmer mist fan!

I'm happy to start this marvelous Tattered Angels journey and I hope you'll find some time to visit the Tattered Angels blog to look at all the projects of those extremly talented women!
Kaj naj drugega rečem kot to, da mi vsak tvoj izdelek vzame dih. Občudujem prav to, kaj uspeš videti v predmetih, mimo katerih nas večina kar gre. To, da jih uspeš spremeniti v umetnine, ki se jih človek sploh ne more nagledati, pa je lastno le tebi!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKrasni izdelki. Se pridružujem Majinem mnenju, da iz navadnih predmetov ustvariš nenavadne.
OdgovoriIzbrišiABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!! I love love love love all of these Jana!! WOWWWWWWWW! You are AMAZING! :):):):):):):):):):):)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJana, kaj naj rečem :) Svet mi jemlje dih, tako originalen in lep se mi zdi. Seveda pa sta tudi druga dva izdekla, sploh ta tretji, prav tako čudovita. Tudi jaz se bom pridružila Majinemu mnenju, da je občudovanja vredno, da v vsakdanjih predmetih iščeš ideje kako jih spremeniti v nekaj nepozabnega.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is so beautiful Jana.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHugs Riet.xx