petek, 26. marec 2010

Relaxin' together

I don't know if it happens to you but Kian several times enjoys to watch cartoons in company. He always likes to discuss what is happening and dance if there is some music and I think his oppinion is that there's no point in doing it alone. And usually I have to accept two packages as Kian and Chili are always competing fot my attention.
As you can see I used a lot of crackle paint and I love how they mix together. For the butterflies I just stamped some on a book page and add some dimension with acrilyc paint. I also put some glimmer mist on a wooden butterfly but the sparkly effect is not visible on the photo.

In the end I have to thank again all the girls that took part to the classes in Ljubljana and it was such fun making some memories keepers together! Thank you girls for such a good company!!
You can have a pick of Petra's mini on her blog and Andreja's too! They are simply gorgeous!!!!!!

7 komentarjev:

  1. S tem postom si me spet pobožala direkt po duši...pri nas imamo namreč dve taki glavici, ki bi gledali risanke v družbi ;-), pa se nekaterim zdim čudna, ker jima večkrat ustrežem...
    Layout pa...kot vedno, čudovit, skladnih barv, tak pravljičen, sanjski, le mamica je na njem nekako v drugem planu...namerno???

  2. Krasen je, spet poln vseh drobnih malenkosti, ki jih lahko ure in ure občuduješ, da ne govorim o tem, da jih v živo gledam še s prsti ;)
    Pravi uživači ste!
    Tudi tebi hvala za delavnico, pravi veter v jadra je bila, upam, da kmalu ponoviš katero.

  3. Ja, vsekakor boš morala še kdaj ponoviti delavnice, ker je bilo res fantastično.

    In znova zrem v tale tvoj izdelek in se pasem na vseh detajlih in vem kako skrbno je to narejeno in z ljubeznijo tako do utvarjanja kot do tvojih najbližjih. Super si znova naredila.

  4. Meni je bilo tako žal, da nisem mogla priti še drugo soboto, da ti sploh povedati ne morem!!! Sedaj, ko sem se sama lotila scrapbookinga, tvoje postavitve občudujem s še večjim spoštovanjem! Ni enostavno zložiti skupaj toliko stvari, pa da se povrhu ujamejo še v harmonično celoto!! Res, vsak tvoj LO je umetnija zase!
    Kar pa se risank tiče: pri nas jih gledamo zelo malokrat, kadar pa jih, pa obvezno skupaj "pod dekco" kot pravi Tej! Ni lepšega kot na ta način podoživeti otroštvo!

  5. Great lay-out!! ;) Love the paint.
    Greetz Marleen

  6. Wow..Beautiful LO!Loving your use of details!
    and the colors are so beautiful!
    Love your Fave drink LO!Can't see it here, but wanted to leave you a comment anyway!It is so gorgeous!Loving your design and the colors again!
    Thank you so much for joining us at Fave Things!

  7. love the layout... you always amaze me!!!! They are all so beautiful... and this is one... is just so lovely...
    {{hugs}} Michelle
