It's a fact that my husband is Kian's favorite toy. Everyday when he returns home from work and enters through the door and has still his shoes on and Kian is already screaming: "Daddy, we will play now, aren't we?". Matej can't even put his briefcase down when he hears that sentence and Kian repeats this question several times also while Matej is eating his lunch. After that he is immidiatlly there, prepared for some boy games that sometimes I hardly understand :-)
For the flowers I followed the Gabrielle's tutorial and I have to say that those flowers are awesome. Thank you so much Gabrielle, they'll become part of my scrapbook laguage!
O, spet en tak "cute" spomin ;) Kar nekaj časa sem si ogledovala vse detaile, pa dvomim, da sem opazila vse ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper LO, lepi dodatki in vse na pravem mestu:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPreprosto čudovito!
OdgovoriIzbrišiVčasih se mi zdi prav neverjetno, kaj spraviš skupaj :) Toliko malenkosti, ki ustvarijo skladno celoto. In hvala link do krasnih rožic!
OdgovoriIzbrišiNimam besed. Prečudovito.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is so precious... I love the memory... I love the that Kian runs to his daddy.... and wants to play... just so precious... and the layout... expresses it so beautifully!!! lovely just lovely!!
OdgovoriIzbriši{{hugs}} Michelle
Saj več nimam pravih besed s katerimi bi lahko povedala, kao mi je tvoje delo všeč. Enostavno, všeč mi je :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiKrasno. Sicer pa je tak tudi naš vsakdanjik :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovit LO :-))
OdgovoriIzbriši:) fantazija
OdgovoriIzbrišičist xy, na povsem drugo temo, po dolgi odsotnosti...
OdgovoriIzbrišivšeč mi je novi izgled.
Ampak najlepše je, ko vidiš, da je obsesija obojestranska. Takrat ni nič hudo samo stati ob strani in s ponosom v očeh občudovati, čeprav ne razumeš igre... Že samo strelice iz oči napolnijo materino in žensko dušo...