sobota, 13. marec 2010

This post is dedicated to some special moments that happened today. It was the day of the "Vintage LO" class and I had so much fun and I have to admit that many times I had goose bumps. The reason is that I met some fantastic women, friends. I had the honour to met some of the bloggers that I'm in touch with and now finally this project to meet each other became reality.

We met at the Taka-Tuka in Ljubljana and I have to say that the ambient was so colorful and bright that inspired us even more. Thanks Petra for inviting us!!!

The girls went for a scrapbook class but in fact you can see how talented they are from the LOs. It was fascinating how we all had the same kit but the final results are so different one from another.

Here we go: The firs one is Katja's LO and she dedicated it to her son Jakob. She combined the elements to create the perfect photo focus effect!

Maja's LO is so tender and she made out to include some hearts for her little king. She likes green and brown and she made the perfect combination of the two. She also made a great hand inscription that makes her LO even more personal.

Martina's Lo is a true vintage one and this center-positioned photo with a fabulous mosaic frame. Also the title is just great with the two angel wings!!

Petra's LO is dedicated to her prince Oskar and look how nice are those paws going through the title.Isn't adorable this LO?!

Vladka's Lo is about memories from a special place. She had two photo in one: a normal one and the other that was an aged version of the same photo. She teared the photos and just combined the two pieces. Isn't this a great idea?????

Andreja said that she was at the begining of the scrapbook journey but look at her vintage LO. I like how her photo has a place in the middle of a messy frame!

Špela made a bridge to connect her boyfriend and herself. She made a perfect diagonal combination and made a really intresting LO!!!

And here is mine:

I 'll remember this day and I'm so happy because you all make this our world go arround in a special way and I can't see the time to meet you again!!!!!!! Thank you!

In the end there was an additional surprise for me because I receved two prescious gifts that I'll keep in a safe place and in my heart forever. Thank you Maja, thank you Martina!!!!!!!!!!

12 komentarjev:

  1. Delavnica je po narejenih izdelkih zelo uspela!Malo me moti, ker so imele vse udeleženke enak material.Res je , da vidiš pri vsaki drugačno stran, postavitev,... ampak....So mi pa zelo všeč vsi ti dodatki in senčenja in (ne vem točno kako se reče )uporaba mask.To bi se pa rada tudi jaz naučila:):)

  2. Res je bilo enkratno! Lepo je videti vse izdelke, zbrane na enem mestu in opazovati, kako je vsaka izmed nas uporabila posamezne elemente! To dokazuje,kako delujejo naši možgani in kakšen original je vsakdo izmed nas! Veš kaj mi je bilo tudi zanimivo, kako je bila vsaka zatopljena v svoj izdelek, da nismo prav nič "kukale" k sosedi! Zato je bilo na koncu tako zanimivo, kaj je nastalo!

  3. Vidim in berem, da ste se imele odlično. Vse skupaj in vsaka posebej ste bile zelo, zelo pridne in ustvarile krasne albume. O (meni) najlepšem niti ne morem pisati, ker je vsak zase prava umetnina.
    Nadaljevanje sledi, a ne? Se že veselim.

  4. Super je bilo in jaz sem še celo noč delala scrape ;) Ja, sanjalo se mi je o njih.
    Meni pa je bilo ravno to zanimivo, da smo iz enakega materiala ustvarile toooooooooliko različnosti.

  5. Jana res si super in še enkrat hvala za tvoj trud, tvojo energijo in da si z nami delila vse te tvoje zamisli. Super je bilo in upam, da še kdaj. Super je pogledati vse na kupu. Sem že komaj čakala.

  6. Super izdelki so nastali! Bravo učiteljica in bravo učenke!;)

  7. how fun for you... and how lovely are ALL those layouts... they are all so wonderful... I love seeing how each used the different elements... and they had the best teacher... congratulations on your first class... and I know it will be the first of many.... can't wait to see what this brings your way!!!

    {{hugs}} Michelle

  8. Iz vseh izdelkov se vidi, kako ste se imele fino in uživale! Meni je pa prav to zanimivo, kako ste iz enakega materiala naredile tako različne LO.

  9. Se vidi, da ste se imele lepo in uživale v izdelovanju LO. Krasne izdelke ste naredile.

  10. Ob takšni mojstrici sploh ni bilo za pričakovati, da 'učenke' ne bi osvojile tehnike izdelave LO. Prav vsak LO je nekaj posebnega, drugačnega, njihovega.
    Najbolj zanimivo mi je, kako ste vkomponirale delčke, ki mi še na pamet ne bi prišlo, da bi jih dala zraven (karte, denar, gramofon) ampak povsod zelo pašejo. Vse čestitke za uspelo delavnico!

  11. Ne bi mogla drugače pričeti s pomladjo, kot z udeležbo na tej delavnici! Bilo je res odlično! In ne le da sem dopolnila tehnike scrapbooka (npr. zdaj znam sama naredit full hudo rožo:)), v moj svet je stopilo 7 novih, čudovitih oseb(enega sončka, Andrejo, poznam že odprej:)), s katerimi upam, se srečamo večkrat!! In Jana, še enkrat hvala za darilce!

  12. Čestitke za uspelo delavnico! Izdelki so prečudoviti. Prav vsak je nekaj posebnega!
