ponedeljek, 11. oktober 2010

My sweetheart

Kian is crazy for lollies. He loves this little award for being a good boy and allthough he doesn't love girly things he makes an exception for the heart shaped lolly. The title was inevitable and it goes right for him and for me....
I used a very soft misting at the back with the graphite Glimmer mist. The heart is made out of the Tattered angels frames. The colors are suggested by The color room with the current palette.

A touch of the past: a letter seal....

Have a nice day and happy scrapping to everyone!

11 komentarjev:

  1. Wowwwwwwwwwwwww! This is GORGEOUS Jana! I love love love love love the way you colored part of the photo ad loveeeeeeee all the hearts and the stitching!! GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Ooooooooooo, čudovito. Tale mi je še posebej všeč, ker je res svetel, zračen, čist. Čeprav spet poln drobnih dodatkov in detajlov, ki jih vedno odkrivam še dolgo po tem, ko že oddam komentar. :) No, včasih še komentar pozabim oddat :))))))
    Upam, da se spet kaj vidimo in bom lahko v živo pogledala (potipala) tvoje umetnine. Kaj pa vem, enostavno je vtis popoln šele takrat, ko temu, kar vidim, dodam še tisto, kar čutijo prsti.

  3. How sweet is that, love it !! ;-)

    Grtzz Marleen

  4. Je ps res pravi srček in tvoj LO spet čudovit - z vsemi detaili in barvno kombinacijo.
    (p.s.t. take lizalke pa imam tudi jaz rada)

  5. Uf, kako je dober tale LO, dodelan v nulo(ja, kateri pa ni) ampak tale mi je res zelo zelo všeč :-))
    Mojstrica, ni kaj!

  6. Ful dober LO. Pa koliko drobnarij.... prekinjeni šivi, pa listki, pa pečat, spiralice, pa srček na palčki.... mega!

  7. very nice and very sweet. Res taka nežna zadevica, zelo lepo.

  8. This is really beautiful Jana! I love that misting, the colors and your title! Beautiful eye for details you have! That photo is fantastic! Your layering is absolutely beautiful!

  9. Uh, ustvarila si zopet nekaj krasnega. Tale LO mi je še posebej všeč, ker je tako svetel, čist.

  10. wow wow wow this is just so sweet... I love how you did the photo... and the softness of the white with just touches of red... and the details.. it's just wonderful... I think it's my new Jana fav.... love love love it!!!
    {{hugs}} Michelle

  11. Čudovit LO, sploh barve so mi zelo všeč. :)
