My husband and I were never really sport persons as he is a drummer and spends the free time in a dusty place playing drums and I on the other hand am totally obsessed with scrapbooking and I'm really faithful to this passion but I have to say we like to make long walks in the nature almost every day after my husband comes home.
But there is a type of sport we are practicing from the moment Kian was born: weightlifting. In fact we always had to keep him in our hannds because when he was a baby he hated every other place except being in our arms..... Sometimes we were just near to get crazy :-)
...and he still loves it...
I just want to remind you that nowon the TAAFOMFT we are choosing the winner randomly so everybody has a chance to win. No stress, just having fun.
And for the prize, our very own AMY is opening her VERY OWN SCRAP STORE IN LOUISIANA {{{Create 365}}}!!! And within her store she is creating kits... and she is going to provide our winner for this challenge an AMAZING PRIZE PACK!! Make sure to check out Amy's store blog !!!!
Have a great halloween!!!!!
I love your take on the challenge!!!! Love that photo and the the whole page!! Beautiful!! Hope you're having a great weekend!!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTo z športi se lahko povsem poistovetim s teboj, tudi jaz nisem nikoli bila športni tip. No, mogoče pa bi maratonsko sedenje in ustvarjanje tudi lahko štelo med športe :))) Vedno mi je super, ker pri teh izziv ne prikažeš nekaj vsakdanjega. Tudi ta vajin šport je nekaj posebnega, pa še Kian ima veliko ali pa visoko od tega :) Znova en krasen, svež LO.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI think this has to be the BESTEST SPORT I have ever seen!! I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE this sooooooooooooo much!!! It is BEYOND PRECIOUS!!!!!! You inspire me so much Jana!!! I LOVE YOU! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
OdgovoriIzbrišiVčasih me je kar groza, koliko lepih stvari pri tebi.zgrešim, ko nekaj dni ne sedem za računalnik! Čudovit izdelek in ja, sem vedela, da sva si tudi tu podobni: včasih me je sram priznati, ampak športam sploh ne. Saj vem, zdravje, morala bi, ampak ...delim z Vladko maratonsko sedenje, pa tudi "živih uteži" sem se nekaj nadvigovala. Tej še zdaj včasih skoči v naročje in mi reče: Mami, nesi me, tako kot včasih. Ja, dva koraka, potem se pa sesedem...
OdgovoriIzbrišikakšne čudovite stvari ustvarjaš...
OdgovoriIzbrišimaratonsko sedenje? seveda! in maratonsko ustvarjanje. pa maratonsko snovanje idej. itd :)
Ha, ha, koliko nas je, zdaj bi res že lahko postalo disciplina - maratonsko sedenje namreč ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJana, imata pa krasen šport in lušno "orodje". Verjamem, da je Kian navdušen nad prakticiranjem tega športa ;)
I love it Jana! Sounds like a wonderful sport, except when Kian gets older, you have to be strong to lift him like that ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove the whole page, all the butterflies, your beautiful use of embellies as usual!Beautiful!
I loved this from the moment I saw this... it's just delightful!!! {{hugs}} Michelle