torek, 31. marec 2009

Sweet dreams

Vsak večer, ko Kian zaspi grem večkrat v njegovo sobico in gledam to majhno bitjece in se ne morem načuditi njegovi lepoti. Najbolj pa sem hvaležna, ker se ta trenutek vsak dan ponavlja in me vsakič napolni z neverjetno energijo!!

Every night when Kian falls asleep I go in his room and I look at this little creature and I'm always completley fascinated about his beauty. The thing that I most appriciate is that this moment comes every day and it always fulfill me with incredible energy!!

sobota, 28. marec 2009

Jure in Jagoda / Jure and Jagoda

Jure in Jagoda sta se našla nekje na sredi poti med Poljsko in Slovenijo in končno sta pod isto streho. Zaradi tega je za Juretov rojstni dan je nastal mini album v obliki hiške. Želim jima, da bi bila srečna in predvsem obdana z optimizmom, saj skupaj je vse lepše in predvsem lažje. Res sta lep par. Vse najboljše Jure!!!

Jure and Jagoda met each other somewhere between Poland and Slovenia and they are finally under the same roof. This is the reason I made for Jure's birthday this house shaped minialbum. I wish them happiness and that to be surrounded with positive energy because everything is more beatiful and easier being together. They are such a pretty couple. Happy birthday Jure!!!

sreda, 25. marec 2009

Sveže / Fresh

Všeč mi je, ko mi pride na pamet kakšna sveža ideja. Danes je bila to mavrica, ki sem jo naredila iz vzorčastih papirjev. In prav tako sem si želela...Nič perfektnega, ampak nekaj preprostega, ki me spominja na to, kako barvito je moje življenje.

I enjoy when a new fresh idea comes into my mind. In this case, today, it was this rainbow that is made from patterned papers. And I wanted it just in this way...Nothing perfect but something simple that reminds me of how colorful my life is.

torek, 24. marec 2009

Nov / New one

Danes sem naredila novo stran. Veliko časa so mi vzele rožice in drevesa, ampak mi je končni izdelek še bolj všeč. kadar naredim vse sama.

Today I finished this page. It took a long time to make all the flowers and the trees but I love the layout even more if every part of it is a mine creation.

ponedeljek, 23. marec 2009

Velikonočni preludij / Easter intro

Danes sem okrasila mojo hiško z velikonočnimi okraski. Letos sem pozna! Moram priznati, da vedno, pred vsakim praznikom krasim moj brlog en mesec ali mesec in pol pred dnevom D. Obožujem počasno pričakovanje in moji mali prijatelji me spominjajo na vse lepo, kar prinašajo različne priložnosti. Tu so štirje, ki so "ušli" izpod moje roke...

Today I adorned my house with the Easter decorations. This year I'm late! I have to admit that I usually decorate my house a month or a month and a half before the holidays. I just enjoy the slow expecting and my little friends remind me of everything beatiful that those days bring. Here are four of them that came out of my hands....

nedelja, 22. marec 2009

Mimogrede /By the way

Tokrat sem mimogrede naredila malo drugačen minialbumček. Iz prozornega lista sem naredila kitajsko škatlico za hrano, ki vsebuje minialbumček iz štirih delov. Moram priznati, da je bilo zgibanje papirja kar majhen izziv, ker sem hotela, da bi imel albumček enako obliko kot škatlica (verjetno poznate kvadratno origami različico). No, pa mi je v enem večeru pred tv-je (s kar nekaj poskusi) uspelo ugotoviti, kaj moram narediti. V albumčku so tri sponke, kjer lahko pripnemo slikice, na hrbtni strani pa je prostor za beležke.

This time I decided for a little bit different mini album. I made a take away chinese box from a clear paper (foil) and it contains a four sheet minialbum. I have to admit that making the album was quite a challenge because I wanted it to have just the same shape of the box (you probably know the square origami variant). So, it took one evening in front of the tv to find out how to bend the paper. The album includes three paper clips to attach the photos and the back of the minialbum is meant for journaling.

Omeniti moram še, da sodelujem pri bonbončku, ki ga bodo izžrebali pri Stamp with us.
I have also to mantion that Stamp with us is offering a huge candy. GO and check!

četrtek, 19. marec 2009

Začinjeni scrapbook / Spicy scrapbook

Danes sem malo prenovila moje kuhinjske prijatelje. Pa sem tudi tukaj uporabila malo scrapbook-a, a tokrat sem napise plastificirala...saj veste v kuhinji je boljše, da lahko po eksperimentiranju vse počistimo z viledo :-)))

Today I renewed my kitchen friends. I used a little bit of scrapbook also here but this time I also used the know how nice is after making a kitchen experiment clean everything with a wipe:-))

sreda, 18. marec 2009

Tečaj scrapbooka / Scrapbook classes

Vsem, ki bi radi obiskali moj tečaj scrapbook-a, sporočam, da se prijave že zbirajo. Informacije in prijave najdete na telefonu (05 335 31 15 ali 031 681 164) ali po elektronski pošti ( Upam, da se mi boste pridružili!!! Če vas zanima poglejte tudi pod (ustvarjalno hranjenje spominov).

I just have to say that for everyone who want to take part to my scrapbook classes information are available on phone (05 335 31 15 ali 031 681 164) and on e-mail ( Hope you'll join me!!!!! If you are intrested look up also on

torek, 17. marec 2009

Spet / Again

Koledarček. Ne vem zakaj sploh delam koledarčke, ker je meni koncept časa zelo tuj. No, pa vseeno... Na internetu sem našla tole srčkano idejo in sem jo izvedla malo po moje. Zamisel je precej preprosta in tokrat sem se odločila za pravo eksplozijo barv.

A calendar. I don't know why I insist doing them as the concept of time is very distant from me. Anyway..I found this cutie idea on the net and I realized it my way. The project is quite simple and this time I opted for an explosion of colours.

ponedeljek, 16. marec 2009

Najlepši trenutki / Special moments

Ena od najlepših stvari materinstva je vsekakor trenutek, ko ti otrok prinese rožico. Kako lep občutek je, ko veš, da se je majceno bitjece spomnilo na mamico ob pogledu na rožico na travniku. Moram priznati, da mi je bilo vedno težko pri srcu, ko mi je Kian prinesel rožico in je čez nekaj ur že ovenela. Pa sem dobila idejo: rožice sedaj posušim in jih shranim v kozarcu v katerem je nekaj kapljic eteričnega olja sivke. Danes pa sem končno moj kozarček tudi "oblekla". Tako sedaj čakam, da se bo napolnil do vrha!!!

One of the most beatiful things being a mom is when your child brings you a flower. What a stupendous feeling is to know that your little creature remembered mom while seeing a flower on the grass. I have to admit that I always felt a little bit sorry for a flowers that Kian just brought me. It was already dead in a couple of hours. And I got this idea: I dry the flowers and I keep them in a jar with some drops of lavanda essential oil. And today I finally "dressed" it. I can't wait to fill it up!!!

sobota, 14. marec 2009

Raketa / The rocket

Danes ima moj nečak rojstni dan. Seveda je cela družina poskrbela, da je dobil pravo, veliko darilo - traktor. Poleg tega, pa sem včeraj razmišljala, da bi bilo lepo, če bi ga še malo bolj presenetili. Tako grem na net, malo pobrskam in jo vidim....RAKETA!!!!! Takoj sem šla na delo (in seveda nisem mogla kaj, da ne bi naredila eno tudi Kianu) in v dveh urah sta nastali ti dve homemade igrački, ki čez dan služijo igranju, ponoči pa bodo mehki zavezniki v postelji ponoči. V mali luknjici se skriva mali neustrašni astronaut, pa še je prostor za kakšen zaklad!

Today is my nephew's birthday. Of course all the family surprised him with a present - a big tractor. Besides this I thought about surprising him just a little bit more. And so I look up on the net and I saw it....A ROCKET!!!!!! I immediately started with sewing (and I couldn't help myself for making one for Kian as well) and so in two hours there were finished two new homemade toys. They are toys during the day and breavehart tender allies in the bed at night. They are provided with a hole where is situated a little astronaut and there is still place for some kind of treasure!