One of the most beatiful things being a mom is when your child brings you a flower. What a stupendous feeling is to know that your little creature remembered mom while seeing a flower on the grass. I have to admit that I always felt a little bit sorry for a flowers that Kian just brought me. It was already dead in a couple of hours. And I got this idea: I dry the flowers and I keep them in a jar with some drops of lavanda essential oil. And today I finally "dressed" it. I can't wait to fill it up!!!
ponedeljek, 16. marec 2009
Najlepši trenutki / Special moments
Ena od najlepših stvari materinstva je vsekakor trenutek, ko ti otrok prinese rožico. Kako lep občutek je, ko veš, da se je majceno bitjece spomnilo na mamico ob pogledu na rožico na travniku. Moram priznati, da mi je bilo vedno težko pri srcu, ko mi je Kian prinesel rožico in je čez nekaj ur že ovenela. Pa sem dobila idejo: rožice sedaj posušim in jih shranim v kozarcu v katerem je nekaj kapljic eteričnega olja sivke. Danes pa sem končno moj kozarček tudi "oblekla". Tako sedaj čakam, da se bo napolnil do vrha!!!
One of the most beatiful things being a mom is when your child brings you a flower. What a stupendous feeling is to know that your little creature remembered mom while seeing a flower on the grass. I have to admit that I always felt a little bit sorry for a flowers that Kian just brought me. It was already dead in a couple of hours. And I got this idea: I dry the flowers and I keep them in a jar with some drops of lavanda essential oil. And today I finally "dressed" it. I can't wait to fill it up!!!
One of the most beatiful things being a mom is when your child brings you a flower. What a stupendous feeling is to know that your little creature remembered mom while seeing a flower on the grass. I have to admit that I always felt a little bit sorry for a flowers that Kian just brought me. It was already dead in a couple of hours. And I got this idea: I dry the flowers and I keep them in a jar with some drops of lavanda essential oil. And today I finally "dressed" it. I can't wait to fill it up!!!
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Tole si odlično naredila, pa še vse Kianove rožice boš imela, kako lepo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVau, dobra ideja za posušene rožice. Kozarec si lepo spedenala :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiKako dovršeno.....vsi ti drobni detajli in tista kanglica na vrhu......množica različnih materialov......
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper ideja in krasna okrasitev lončka.
OdgovoriIzbrišiLp, Nataša.
Prekrasna ideja...tudi jaz se zmeraj soočam s podobnimi težavami..včasih so rožice še brez pravega peclja, tako d ajih res nič drugega ne čaka, kot hitro pobiranje. Zato je tvoja ideja prekrasna, kozarček je pa tako kot vedno pri tebi, zanimiv in domiseln.
OdgovoriIzbrišiRes, jaz sem vedno brez besed, ko se čudim nad tvojimi idejami in izvedbo. Nimam kaj drugega napisati, kot da te občudujem :)
OdgovoriIzbrišikrasna ideja in sploh pohvala za okrasitev. jar ne vem kaj naj še napišem.
OdgovoriIzbrišiUau, uau, uau, sem kar glasno vzdihovala, ko sem tole gledala!! Ideja je fenomenalna, izvedba še bolj!! Res pridem k tebi na naslednjo delavnico! Si bom vzela pa dopust!!
Pa kanglica-da dol padeš!!
Super ideja in res prelepa izvedba! Tole je krasen spomin.
OdgovoriIzbrišiodlično in zelo lično. všeč so mi vsi ti mini detajlčki, ki delajo celoto še bolj domiselno in radostno. lepo!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiOkay - - this is a masterpiece!!!! I love it!!! Rainee is always bringing me those sweet little dandelions... dead of course... but they are from her... so what I've been doing is putting them in envelopes and dating them... but this... this is unbelievable... I WILL BE DOING THIS!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTHANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING IT WITH US.... I'll let you know how mine comes out!!!
{{HUGS}} Michelle