sreda, 30. september 2009

Is this the polar express?

Lately Kian discovered the Polar Express movie and he is watching it again and again. He loves it so much that everything now is realted with the polar express and Santa! This was also a good reason to go to see an old locomotive that is in our town and he immidiatly asked: "Is this the polar express?" A good chance fo a new LO.

I have to write also about something sweet and tender that happened yesterday. In the evening I was watching with Kian "Shrek". We were enjoying the movie and htan arrived the scene where the princess Fiona is on the bed waiting for her "knight" to save here. And at that point Kian suddely said: "Mom, look, just like you!!" And I had no idea what he was talking about and I asked him what is like me and he said: "Look, a princess, just like you!!! I can only say that it melted my heat. I have the most prescious thing in the world!!!!!!!

7 komentarjev:

  1. Tale stran mi je pa zelo, zelo všeč!

  2. vau, vauuuuu, res nekaj posebnega!sploh detajli...

  3. Jeee, Polar Expres. Še jaz si ga vsako leto v zimskem času pogledam :)
    Na tvojo stran redno "skočim", ko je kaj novega. Le komentarji so bolj redki, čeprav mi je vse zelo lepo in zanimivo!

  4. Meni je pa že hecno, ko se skozi ponavljam - ampak res čudovita nova stran!

  5. Nice item indeed!
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  6. Otroci znajo povedati stvari, ki res stopijo naše srce ali pa nam v oči prikličejo solze. Ampak tiste solze ganjenosti. Ampak veš, kljub vsemu je to zasluga staršev. Če otrok tovrstne ljubezni in pozornozti ne bi bil deležen sam, je tudi dajati ne bi znal tako, kot to zna Kian. Zato samo BRAVO! Bravo za Kiana in bravo za stran! Steam punk na LO! FenomenalnO!

  7. Beautiful work! I ♥ the texture & the B&W photos! :-)
