Zadnjič, ko sem bila sama, sem naredila vzorček po mojih rdečih stenah in efekt mi je bil všeč, čeprav sem takoj pogrešala obrobo. Premišljujem, premišljujem..... Želela sem si nekaj nenavadnega in prišla do te ideje. Začne se tako:
Last time I was alone I made a new pattern to my red walls and I was quite sattisfied althoug I missed somekind of border. I was thinking and thinking.... I wanted something unusual and this idea came across my mind. We srtart in this way:
En pas bele, ki mora biti na eni strani omejena s krep lepilnim. Ko se posuši prelepimo krep lepilni čez belo (približno 1 cm).
A line of white (one part has to be protected with the tape). When it dries out we applicate the tape again this time cca 1 cm over the previous line.

Potem se začne packanje...
Than starts the coloring...

Meje barve zabrišemo s gobico..
We smooth the colors with a sponge..

Na koncu pobarvani predel popišemo z ogljem (ki bo šlo stran pri naslednjem pleskanju). To moramo storiti, preden odlepimo krep!!
In meni je končni rezultat je strgan papir - takšen kot sem si ga želela...Malo podoben mojim scrapbookom, kjer velikokrat trgam papirje... Komaj čakam, da pride domov Matej in vidi moje malo presenečenje!
Finally we write something on the colored area with the charcoal ( so we are sure it comes down when we'll like to change the colour of the room). We finish with removing the protecting tape.
I love the final look - just the way I wanted to be... It reminds me of my scrapbooks because I like very much all that teared paper... I can't wait to see Matej coming home for the surprise!