sreda, 12. oktober 2011

Recycled ghost

Hello! How are you? This time I decided to do some recycling. In fact several times I find myself admiring some intresting shapes that plastic container have nowdays and sometimes it's a shame they finish in tha garbage without dressing them in something appropriate for their shape. So, I turned this.......

Into this....

I didn't use the lid and I've glued a plastic egg on the opening. Than I covered everything with bandage fabbric. The procedure was a little bit long because I have to wait the fabbric to dry but I wanted it airy but rigid and this is possible only by covering this thin fabbric with some glue mixed to acrylic paint. It looks wavy but it's solid. I've made a hole in it where I've put a nice verse I alrady had. It's like a bizzare entrance in another dimension. All the rest is just a game of embellishments and colors.

I hope you like it and have a great recycling!

13 komentarjev:

  1. Oh my gosh!!! Jana - you are so incredibly creative!!! Very very VERY cleverly done! Wow!!!!!!

  2. Neverjetna preobrazba; še prej navadna flaška, sedaj pa strah vzbujajoča kreacija :-))
    In če se poglobim v vse te detajle, celo vrano si ujela :-))
    Res si carica!!!

  3. I love it, what a fabulous idea!!!

  4. Wow!It's very beautiful.Much detail :)

  5. Samo cocolino res res zmaga,... to moja mama še zdej uporablja.

  6. You just AMAZE me! I loveeeeeee how you took that container and transformed him into that AWESOME ghost! WOW WOW WOW! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

  7. Pa daj, to je noro kaj ti narediš iz ene plastične flaške. Svetovn je tale duhec in ta odprtina in detajli mu dajo piko na i.

  8. To sem tudi jaz vzkliknila: tako preobrazbo zmoreš le ti ;) Krasno, in vsi detaili.

  9. uau :) super nora ideja :)) takšni duhci bi zanimali tudi moja fanta :))

  10. Če bi bila bolj pristna Ljubljančanka, bi rekla KVA??? Tako pa rečem: HALOOO, ma od kod ti vse te nore ideje in fantastične izvedbe. Da v mehčalcu vidiš duhca, moraš biti genij!! Moj milijonti poklon.

  11. Boooo to yuooo! That's awsome. You are so talen. I love your creatincs.
