This LO started from the photo. The day he was slepping on my bad there was a special light going on his face and I immidiatly falt like he is dreaming about something special. I decided to point on green and as you see most of the things includede are green but at the same time I wanted them to be destinguised. The thing I love about this LO thet I used just a simple garze arround the photo that is a perfect combination with the theme. The brown flowers are made out of a pinecorn and the are like elfs flowers. For the chipboard swirls I used two different types of green crackle paint and then I coverd them with varnish.
četrtek, 18. februar 2010
Fairy tale dream
I have to admit that lately I'm very affascinated when Kian is sleeping. So I think also my next LO will be about this. In fact lately the time he is awake he is always screaming and being grumpy. Yesterday I decided to make a table where he collects bad and good spots. Than more good ones means a reward, than more bad ones means....yeah a kind of punishment (My idea was a week without Gormiti - his favorite toys...) I'll tell you if I'm succsessful with this method.
This LO started from the photo. The day he was slepping on my bad there was a special light going on his face and I immidiatly falt like he is dreaming about something special. I decided to point on green and as you see most of the things includede are green but at the same time I wanted them to be destinguised. The thing I love about this LO thet I used just a simple garze arround the photo that is a perfect combination with the theme. The brown flowers are made out of a pinecorn and the are like elfs flowers. For the chipboard swirls I used two different types of green crackle paint and then I coverd them with varnish.

This LO started from the photo. The day he was slepping on my bad there was a special light going on his face and I immidiatly falt like he is dreaming about something special. I decided to point on green and as you see most of the things includede are green but at the same time I wanted them to be destinguised. The thing I love about this LO thet I used just a simple garze arround the photo that is a perfect combination with the theme. The brown flowers are made out of a pinecorn and the are like elfs flowers. For the chipboard swirls I used two different types of green crackle paint and then I coverd them with varnish.
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Fantastično, kakšna lepa barvna kombinacija.Da o srčku na sliki ne izgubljam besed.Dodatki so noro dobro skombinirani in celota je res pravljična!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKrasno ti je uspelo pričarati škratkovo deželo, v katero so ga ponesle sanje. Čudovito izbrani dodatki, skrbno postavljeni na "svoje" mesto, še nas ponesejo v Dreamlandijo ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiSpet ena čudovita stvaritev. Barve me spominjajo na opojne napoje, ki vrejo v raznih stekleničkah in posodocih in se iz njih dviga meglica........takšna je bila prva asociacija.
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovita kombinacija, ko zelena uokvirja ČB fotografijo! Popolno in pravljično! Pa ideja za rože iz storžev! Uau!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTudi meni se zdi, da so otroci najlepši, ko spijo. Takrat na njihovih obrazih zasije spokojnost in nežnost, ki jo včasih v divjem dnevu le za hip zapaziš in si želiš, da bi lahko trenutek ustavil, zamrznil. Velikokrat sedim zraven postelje in ga tiho občudujem. Ne morem in ne morem se ga nagledati in skoraj vedno si zaželim, da ne bi tako hitro rasel. Egoistično, vem, a si ne morem pomagati!
Tudi meni se zdi kot mali princ, ki je zaspal sredi gozda, v škratkovi deželi :) Čeprav v besedilu pišeš o malce napornem obnašanju, pa tisti srček tam gori pokaže vso tvojo ljubezen do malega dečka. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovita stran.
Love it as usual. Such a peaceful picture.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is beautiful... I love the pinecones flowers... very lovely... and like you said... with Kian sleeping... it's like a fairy land... you made it looks so peaceful... I love love love it!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHope the good and bad thing works out for you... can't wait to find out... it's a hard thing... knowing what to do and how to do it... for your sake I hope it goes over well...
{{hugs}} Michelle
:) pa še zvezdice za čudovit vilinski čarobni prah :)) SUPER!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz moja fanta med spanjem gledam, koliko sta že zrasla :))) neverjetno, kako so v postelji veliki :))
this is so beautiful - that photo is just wonderful, the colors and accents are so dreamlike. thanks so much for sharing it with us at TAAFOMFT
OdgovoriIzbrišiWowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Jana!! This is GORGEOUS!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the colors....that precious photo....and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the "natural" feel to it!!!! Thanks sooooooooooooo much for playing along with us! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
OdgovoriIzbrišiWOW, this is amazing!!! LOVE that sweet picture and the way you colored everything!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks so much for playing with us!
Oh wow..this is so stunning..loving your use of materials and the colors! Your whole design is fab!!Love it all!Thank you so much for joining us at Fave Things!