Čas, lepo vreme in dobra družba, to je recept za eden od najlepših dopoldnevov vseh časov.
Time, good weather and good company this is the recipe for a perfect morning.
petek, 29. maj 2009
torek, 26. maj 2009
Bon voyage
Danes praznuje rojstni dan moja prijateljica Urška alias leteči holandec. Ona namreč vsako prosto minuto izkoristi, da potuje s svojo družinico in raziskuje lepote tega sveta. Najbolj primerno se mi je zato zdelo, da ji naredim dnevnik, ki jo bo spremljal na potovanjih. Noter bo lahko spravila fotografije in ostale spomine. Knjigica pa je opremljena tudi s tremi žepki, ki vsebujejo tablice za lažje beleženje novodoseženih ciljev. Vse najboljše moja Uršula in vedi, da je svet tvoj!!
Today is Urška's birthday. She is my friend and she spends her every speare minute for travelling with her family. She is always searching for the beautiful corners on the Earth. I thought it was a nice idea to make her own travel journaling as a gift for her today. She will be keeping some photos and memorabilia in it. The mini book is also equiped with three pockets and they contain travel jounal tables for an easy description of the new reached places. Happy birthday Urška, the world is yours!!!
Today is Urška's birthday. She is my friend and she spends her every speare minute for travelling with her family. She is always searching for the beautiful corners on the Earth. I thought it was a nice idea to make her own travel journaling as a gift for her today. She will be keeping some photos and memorabilia in it. The mini book is also equiped with three pockets and they contain travel jounal tables for an easy description of the new reached places. Happy birthday Urška, the world is yours!!!
ponedeljek, 25. maj 2009
I found a treasure
Danes je prav poseben dan.Dobila sem namreč pošiljko od Michelle za sodelovanje v EverydayScrapbook challenge. Vedela se, da bo darilo super in da bom sedaj lahko ustvarjala v kakršnemkoli kotičku in mestu.
Today is a special day. This morning I got the package from Michelle for the EverydayScrapbook challenge. I knew that the gift was wonderful and that will allow me to scrap everywhere I wanted.....
Nisem pa vedela, da bom v notranjanjosti našla pravi zaklad!!!! Michelle je vse žepke napolnila s prečudovitimi stvarmi in dodala še raznovstne liste 12 x 12!!!! To je bilo ogromno presenečenje in bila sem presrečna. Hvala Michelle, ti si prava umetnica z velikim srcem!
But I had no idea I'll find a treasure inside. Michelle filled up every pocket with faboluous things and she also added a lot of 12x12 papers!!!!! This was really a huge surprise and I'm soooooooooooooooooo happy. Thank you Michelle, you are a true artist with a huge heart!
Today is a special day. This morning I got the package from Michelle for the EverydayScrapbook challenge. I knew that the gift was wonderful and that will allow me to scrap everywhere I wanted.....
Nisem pa vedela, da bom v notranjanjosti našla pravi zaklad!!!! Michelle je vse žepke napolnila s prečudovitimi stvarmi in dodala še raznovstne liste 12 x 12!!!! To je bilo ogromno presenečenje in bila sem presrečna. Hvala Michelle, ti si prava umetnica z velikim srcem!
But I had no idea I'll find a treasure inside. Michelle filled up every pocket with faboluous things and she also added a lot of 12x12 papers!!!!! This was really a huge surprise and I'm soooooooooooooooooo happy. Thank you Michelle, you are a true artist with a huge heart!
Torej, pojdite na EverydayScrapbook in poglejte si bližje njen svet!!!
So, go on her EverydayScrapbook and peek into her magic world!
sobota, 23. maj 2009
Half full
Ko sem bila majhna je moja mami vedno, ko sem zbolela poskrbela, sem tiste dni vedno lahko izbirala kaj bo na mojem jedilniku, ponavadi sem dobila kakšno majhno presenečenje, cel dan sem lahko jaz odločala kaj bomo gledali na tv,... Tako je bilo biti bolan veliko lažje. Bilo je doživetje in nisem imela občutka, da zamujem stvari.
Tudi sama peljem to tradicijo naprej. Kadar je hudo je prav, da stvari obrnemo malo na glavo. Tako vedno lahko najdemo tudi v slabih dnevih pozitivno plat. No, tokrat Kian ni bil ravno bolan, smo pa morali v Ljubljano na pregled in vsi dobro vemo, da otroci nimajo ravno radi teh stvari. Temu v namen smo se odločili, da si po pregledu privoščimo igriv dan. Kiana sva peljala na morje novih igral in nato še v prvič v kino. Lahko je jedel kar je hotel (adijo zdrava prehrana za en dan!) in se igral kolikor ga je bilo volja. Bilo je super mega fantastično in vesela sem, da lahko življenje gledam kot na kozarec, ki je vedno poln. Izbiramo vedno sami!!!
When I was a little girl always when I was sick my mom made that moment as beatiful as it was possible: I was alloud to eat what I wanted, I was usually surprised with a little present, I could have the remote control all day long,... In this way being sick was not so bad. In fact it was a ....and I didn't had the feeling that I'm loosing important moments happening outside.
I decided to keep this tradition. When thigs are bad is good to make an upside world and in this way we have the feeling that we can find always the brighter side of our life. Well, this time Kian wasn't sick but we have to go to the doctor to Ljubljana and you know that children don't exactlly love this events. So we decided to trasform that day into a playing day. After the visit we took Kian to some new plagrounds and after a playing afternoon Kian went to the movies for the first time. He could eat whatevere he wanted (bye bye healthy food for a day) and he could play as long as he wanted to. It was super mega fantastic and I'm happy to have the possibility to see always the glass half full. It's always our choice!!!!!
Tudi sama peljem to tradicijo naprej. Kadar je hudo je prav, da stvari obrnemo malo na glavo. Tako vedno lahko najdemo tudi v slabih dnevih pozitivno plat. No, tokrat Kian ni bil ravno bolan, smo pa morali v Ljubljano na pregled in vsi dobro vemo, da otroci nimajo ravno radi teh stvari. Temu v namen smo se odločili, da si po pregledu privoščimo igriv dan. Kiana sva peljala na morje novih igral in nato še v prvič v kino. Lahko je jedel kar je hotel (adijo zdrava prehrana za en dan!) in se igral kolikor ga je bilo volja. Bilo je super mega fantastično in vesela sem, da lahko življenje gledam kot na kozarec, ki je vedno poln. Izbiramo vedno sami!!!
When I was a little girl always when I was sick my mom made that moment as beatiful as it was possible: I was alloud to eat what I wanted, I was usually surprised with a little present, I could have the remote control all day long,... In this way being sick was not so bad. In fact it was a ....and I didn't had the feeling that I'm loosing important moments happening outside.
I decided to keep this tradition. When thigs are bad is good to make an upside world and in this way we have the feeling that we can find always the brighter side of our life. Well, this time Kian wasn't sick but we have to go to the doctor to Ljubljana and you know that children don't exactlly love this events. So we decided to trasform that day into a playing day. After the visit we took Kian to some new plagrounds and after a playing afternoon Kian went to the movies for the first time. He could eat whatevere he wanted (bye bye healthy food for a day) and he could play as long as he wanted to. It was super mega fantastic and I'm happy to have the possibility to see always the glass half full. It's always our choice!!!!!
sreda, 20. maj 2009
sobota, 16. maj 2009
Kar se tiče Kiana, mi je poleg 12 X 12 layoutov, zelo lepo izdelati mini albume, ki nekako združijo v celoto vse trenutke, ki se združijo pod eno temo. Tokarat je na vrsti mini album: My first words and funny phrases.
Kian je doooolgooo čakal, preden je začel govoriti. Začel je po dopolnjenem drugem letu in vsi smo že nestrpno čakali, kdaj se bo zgodil čudež. Sedaj pa govori cele dneve, kot da bi hotel nadoknaditi vse za nazaj.
No, prva Kianova beseda je bila bak - umazano. Sledili so pinda - priden, mon - kamion,... Seveda nočem pozabiti tudi vseh tistih fraz, ki me nasmejejo do smeha ali pa pustijo brez besed. Ena je tale: neko jutro se je Kian zbudil, smuknil iz svoje v našo posteljo, se ulegel poleg mene in kazal na moj obraz in rekel: "Ep nos, epa usca, epe či, epe brvi, epe ase!" (prevod: lep nos, lepa usta, lepe oči, lepe obrvi, lepe lase!). To je bil vsekakor eden najlepših trenutkov v mojem življenju.
Sedaj mi ne preostane drugega, kot napolniti mini knjigico.
Besides 12x12 layouts for Kian I enjoy doing mini albums as they carry a in one place all moments reguarding a precise theme. It's time for a mini album of "My first words and funny phrases".
Kian waited a long time before he started to speak. He was already two when he decided to comunicate with words and we were all waiting for this miracle. Well, now he speaks all day long like he want to recuperate the lost time.
Kians first word was bak - it means dirty. Then others followed but besides single words I want to remember all the phrases that make me smile or leave me astonished . One is this: one morning he woke up and jumped into our bed, he lay down in front of me and said a phrase (showing with his little finger) that translated would be like this: "Beatiful nose, beatiful mouth, beatiful eyes, beatiful, eyebrows, beatuful hair!" This was for sure one of the best moments of my life!
Now I have to fill up the mini book.
Kian je doooolgooo čakal, preden je začel govoriti. Začel je po dopolnjenem drugem letu in vsi smo že nestrpno čakali, kdaj se bo zgodil čudež. Sedaj pa govori cele dneve, kot da bi hotel nadoknaditi vse za nazaj.
No, prva Kianova beseda je bila bak - umazano. Sledili so pinda - priden, mon - kamion,... Seveda nočem pozabiti tudi vseh tistih fraz, ki me nasmejejo do smeha ali pa pustijo brez besed. Ena je tale: neko jutro se je Kian zbudil, smuknil iz svoje v našo posteljo, se ulegel poleg mene in kazal na moj obraz in rekel: "Ep nos, epa usca, epe či, epe brvi, epe ase!" (prevod: lep nos, lepa usta, lepe oči, lepe obrvi, lepe lase!). To je bil vsekakor eden najlepših trenutkov v mojem življenju.
Sedaj mi ne preostane drugega, kot napolniti mini knjigico.
Besides 12x12 layouts for Kian I enjoy doing mini albums as they carry a in one place all moments reguarding a precise theme. It's time for a mini album of "My first words and funny phrases".
Kian waited a long time before he started to speak. He was already two when he decided to comunicate with words and we were all waiting for this miracle. Well, now he speaks all day long like he want to recuperate the lost time.
Kians first word was bak - it means dirty. Then others followed but besides single words I want to remember all the phrases that make me smile or leave me astonished . One is this: one morning he woke up and jumped into our bed, he lay down in front of me and said a phrase (showing with his little finger) that translated would be like this: "Beatiful nose, beatiful mouth, beatiful eyes, beatiful, eyebrows, beatuful hair!" This was for sure one of the best moments of my life!
Now I have to fill up the mini book.
četrtek, 14. maj 2009
Happy birthday sis!!!!
Rojstni dnevi se kar vrstijo in danes ga praznuje moja sestrica. Za to priložnost je nastal mini album, ki hrani njene najbolj sladke zakladke: Tanaia, Tilen, Liam in tudi Mike-a. Vsekakor je njena družina tista, ki naredi njeno življenje sladko, okusno in začinjeno..... Kot male tortice! Vse, vse, vse, vse, najboljše Nežka!!!!
It's birthday time again and this time is celebrating my sis. For this occassion I made a mini album that contains her sweetest treasures: Tanaia, Tilen, Liam and of course her hubby Mike. Her family is for sure the element that makes her life sweet, tasty and spicy... Like little cupcakes! Happy, happy, happy, happy birthday Nežka!!!!
It's birthday time again and this time is celebrating my sis. For this occassion I made a mini album that contains her sweetest treasures: Tanaia, Tilen, Liam and of course her hubby Mike. Her family is for sure the element that makes her life sweet, tasty and spicy... Like little cupcakes! Happy, happy, happy, happy birthday Nežka!!!!
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