Kian je doooolgooo čakal, preden je začel govoriti. Začel je po dopolnjenem drugem letu in vsi smo že nestrpno čakali, kdaj se bo zgodil čudež. Sedaj pa govori cele dneve, kot da bi hotel nadoknaditi vse za nazaj.
No, prva Kianova beseda je bila bak - umazano. Sledili so pinda - priden, mon - kamion,... Seveda nočem pozabiti tudi vseh tistih fraz, ki me nasmejejo do smeha ali pa pustijo brez besed. Ena je tale: neko jutro se je Kian zbudil, smuknil iz svoje v našo posteljo, se ulegel poleg mene in kazal na moj obraz in rekel: "Ep nos, epa usca, epe či, epe brvi, epe ase!" (prevod: lep nos, lepa usta, lepe oči, lepe obrvi, lepe lase!). To je bil vsekakor eden najlepših trenutkov v mojem življenju.
Sedaj mi ne preostane drugega, kot napolniti mini knjigico.
Besides 12x12 layouts for Kian I enjoy doing mini albums as they carry a in one place all moments reguarding a precise theme. It's time for a mini album of "My first words and funny phrases".
Kian waited a long time before he started to speak. He was already two when he decided to comunicate with words and we were all waiting for this miracle. Well, now he speaks all day long like he want to recuperate the lost time.
Kians first word was bak - it means dirty. Then others followed but besides single words I want to remember all the phrases that make me smile or leave me astonished . One is this: one morning he woke up and jumped into our bed, he lay down in front of me and said a phrase (showing with his little finger) that translated would be like this: "Beatiful nose, beatiful mouth, beatiful eyes, beatiful, eyebrows, beatuful hair!" This was for sure one of the best moments of my life!
Now I have to fill up the mini book.

OdgovoriIzbrišiRes je- čudovito! Lep spominček bo!
OdgovoriIzbrišiZelo lep albumček za lepe spomine!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAlbum je spet popoln! Ravno tako kot Kianov stavek! To so največ vredni trenutki v življenju, s katerimi se ne more primerjati nobena druga stvar! Ko te pobožajo tisti drobni prstki in ti izgovorijo nekaj tako lepega in iskrenega...
OdgovoriIzbrišiTeh majhnih besed pa ni za pozabiti :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI am going to make this funny phrase book... it's A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! I love it... you think of the greatest things.... thank you for sharing!!!\{{HUGS}} Michelle