Today is Urška's birthday. She is my friend and she spends her every speare minute for travelling with her family. She is always searching for the beautiful corners on the Earth. I thought it was a nice idea to make her own travel journaling as a gift for her today. She will be keeping some photos and memorabilia in it. The mini book is also equiped with three pockets and they contain travel jounal tables for an easy description of the new reached places. Happy birthday Urška, the world is yours!!!

Lepo darilo. Ampak mislim, da ga ne bo nosila s sabo na potovanja. Najbrž ga bo skrbno čuvala doma :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJaz tud rada potujem...Toliko detajlov, si sploh ne morem misliti, koliko ur dela je v tem...
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrav fino tole zgleda, škoda za sabo nosit, preveč lepo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiŠe ena lepota iz papirnatih vrečk :) Doterano, pa ne bom rekla do konca, ker boš kmalu spet presenetila.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuper, super, super, kaj naj sploh še rečem!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHudo dobra ideja :) Vsakič, ko pogledam k tebi je nekaj novega, še boljšega :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMe pa nekaj matra :) tko iz čistega firbca :) kako to, da toliko pišeš v angleščini?
Enkraten in neponovljiv potovalni dnevnik. Res je lep in dragocen, ampak jaz bi ga pa vseeno nosila s seboj.
OdgovoriIzbrišihi Jana!!! wow this is super gorgeous!!! love everypage of this!!! i love the vintagy and the distress look of this!!! so gorgeous!
OdgovoriIzbrišija, tale MOJ potovalni dnevnik je takooooo lep, da mi je sapo pobralo, ko sem odprla paket. draga moja Jana, hvala ti za vse ....
OdgovoriIzbrišiostalo ti pa po telefonu povem :))
... hvala da si ...
What a special birthday present... it's just delightful!!!I know she will have wonderful memories to put down because of your thoughtfulness...
OdgovoriIzbriši{{HUGS}} Michelle