I love the color combination of the palette #6 of the Color room. In this LO I used the Tattered angels glimmer screens and just some regular black acrylic paint for the stamping of the decorative corners and I love the uneven effect. In this case I also did some Tim Holtz masking but I used the negative mask.

I'd like to present you a newborn idea: a cardboard flower with the Zutter wires that I think is perfect for the boy LOs.
Super postavitev, super detajli, predvsem si naredila zelo zanimivo rožico :-))
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is just lovely!!!! love love love the colors... and the cardboard flower... amazing... great idea... everything is perfect... totally love all the little bits... beautiful!
OdgovoriIzbriši{{hugs}} Michelle
Love your amazing creations! Exquisite work! :D