torek, 25. maj 2010

I'm a member of the TAAFOMFT DT!!!!!!!!!

Julie at the These are a few of my favorite things asked me to be part of their DT And I'm happy to announce that from the 15th of June I'll take part to this great journey in a company of a extremely tallented girls. I'm sooooooo excited! Yuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!
This was the perfect occasion to make myself :-) a tag.... Favorite things!!!

I wanted also to celebrate my entry with a little RAK for each of the girls that form this wonderful world and I what I did is a tag with the These are my favorite song in the background (the soundtrack of the page). Each tag is the same as others except for the photo and the name of the artist because I love the idea that no matter where they live they will be connected somehow by having the same tag . So girls, if you are reading this be patient if the tag hasn't reached you yet and I hope you'll like it!!

So, whenever you have time pop in the TAAFOMFT world...... There is always something special going on!!!!! And remember there are always deliscious prizes for the winners! So... pop on over... and share your favorite things!

14 komentarjev:

  1. Čestitke, tole si si pošteno zaslužila s svojim res dobrim delom. Vedno je veselje obiskat tvoj blog.
    Tagi pa so lepi vsi po vrsti. Tisti tvoj pa pri meni malo izstopa zaradi meni res všečnih barv.
    Komaj čakam na tečaj.

  2. Čestitke, čestitke, ;)
    Talentirane punce so dobile še eno talentirano punco in veš, da bom pokukala kdaj tja in če bo le šlo, se tudi udeležila izzivov.
    Jupijej, se meni tudi poje ;)

  3. Congratulations Jana. (=

  4. Jana, čestitke iz vsega srca in zadnji čas, da se pokažeš tudi v tej vlogi, kajti res si fantastična, ti in tvoji izdelki :-) In ta tvoja pozornost je tako prisrčna in vem da prihaja iz dna tvojega srca in naredila so čudovite tag-a. Verjamem, da bodo dekleta izredno vesela in še tako mi je všeč poanta o povezanosti. Super!

  5. Je bil že čas, da te "opazijo" in sprejmejo v kakšen DT, kajti tvoji izdelki so neverjetni. In kar mi je pri njih najbolj všeč je to, da imajo DUŠO!! Prav takšno kot si ti! Čestitam ti in ti iz dna srca privoščim! Res se veselim s tabo!

  6. You make beautiful things, love your colors, and overall designs!
    I'm gonna follow you for that :)

    Come and visit my blog anytime!

  7. beautiful... just beautiful!!!
    {{hugs}} Michelle

  8. Čestitke še z moje strani! Čudovito presenečenje si pripravila in čudovita misel za njim.

  9. these tags are awesome!! beautiful work!

  10. Like it...LOVE it!!Oh wow..Jana...this is so beautiful!
    You are so sweet and talented...can't wait to see this in real!
    Welcome to the club of Fave awesome to work with you Jana!
    LOVE your work!!

  11. Jana! I LOVE these tags!!! How sweet of you to makes them for us!!

    Welcome to our team!! We LOVE to have you with us!!


  12. Your tags are just BEAUTIFUL, Jana!

    And so glad to have you on the team! :-)

